A New Week and in Latin America AM there is much expectation to achieve new goals and conquer new youth for the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Peru Elizabeth and the young people have presented fasting every Wednesday praying for different topics and especially for the summer retreat. The services of the week have been with good participation, on Friday praying for the sick. On Saturday the young people dedicated a special time to rehearse the play to be presented during the retreat. In Sunday service, new families have come to participate in the church. The young people of Peru hope on Sunday August 25 to live a retreat of much blessing and with new people.
The members of Chile, together with Pastor Manuel, continue with constant evangelism, meeting new youth and families. A new study of the word of God was given to Brother Eliú, and especially this week a young man named Luis, after receiving the Bible study “The Image of God”, gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, he wishes to continue studying the Bible . With faith and hope, they continue to pray and work for this weekend’s retreat, to achieve new goals.
The members of Venezuela together with Manuel Duque, have prepared the next retreat with faith and much love, to bless the people who will arrive, working in evangelism, studying the word of God, visiting new brothers and working hard in the retreat. The Venezuelan church believes deeply in God for the healing of the whole country and a great revival in the life of every person who confesses Jesus Christ as their Lord.
AM Latin America, pray and work focused on young people, to awaken the continent in a revival of the Holy Spirit, to win a new generation of people with a heart prepared for God.