Due to the local quarantine decree, members of the Emanuel Church of Caracas gathered via phone calls to celebrate Easter Sunday.
During this occasion the members listened to the Sermon in the company of their relatives at home.
The Word of God came from the book of Exodus 12 and Matthew 26: 17-26 that states:
“I know how in those times the Lord says to mark the door frames with the blood of a lamb, so that the spirit of death would pass over and no firstborn of God’s chosen people would die.”
Thus in these times; the Lord has us in our houses covered with the blood of the lamb and the Son of God protecting us.
After the sermon everyone participated in sharing of the Lord’s supper.
One sister shared her reflection by saying that while this was her first Easter at Emanuel and despite being in the midst of a pandemic, it was wonderful to still commemorate the Lord’s supper.