CAC Announces Pioneer Plan to Open 150 Churches Across the Continent

CAC leaders shared strategies and plans for church planting for the next three years at the Latin American Mission Conference held in Brazil in late August and early September.
At this conference, South American leaders gathered together to promote church expansion by integrating Latin America. Teams for church planting, administrative teams, education teams, financial teams, and evangelism teams were classified, and leaders were appointed to each team to operate them effectively.
This pioneering plan is a project that will first be implemented in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Panama, opening six churches in each country over three months, for a total of 18 churches. Afterwards, more countries will be expanded, and by the end of 2025, approximately 150 churches will be established throughout the CAC.
Additional tasks are given to quickly train new leaders through evangelism and place them in established churches.
I hope that all of these plans will proceed smoothly through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.