Olivet Assembly of South America announced its plan to focus heavily in the planting of churches in 2024. Missionaries are being prepared to be dispatched to several cities in several countries including the countries of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay.
The Assembly plans to strengthen its network of churches in both Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries and has been actively requesting its membership to pray over this exciting and hopeful initiative.
Cities where these new churches will be planted mostly represent “number 2 cities”, meaning that the main church of the country (normally located in the capital) is now opening a second location for a new church. In the case of the countries of Brazil and Colombia however, despite planting churches in several cities already, the leadership of these countries remain active in training new missionaries in order to open new cities.
The main goal for the new churches is to speedily establish local membership from which candidates could be found that could be guided to receive formal training under Olivet Seminary. For meaningful growth, the Assembly has deemed it necessary for the missionaries in each city to raise local leadership (evangelists, intern pastors, deacons) that could eventually learn to take ownership over the church.
Progress reports for the efforts behind this initiative will be issued monthly and the missionaries’ efforts will be evaluated at the end of the quarter following the protocol for mission evaluation.